Numeric systems have a specific domain. That domain is counting. So we can say that a numeric system, such as the decimal system, serves for counting purpose.

We can divide the world of things into 3 parts: the nothing, the something, the everything. In terms of the view of the world in quantities, the 3 part correlate with: nothing, something, group.

These are concepts.

So, nothing is a concept, group is a concept and something is a concept.

Numeric systems regard only the something concept. That is the numeric system domain.

The zero

Someone invented the zero. That is ok. Zero, or nothing, is a concept. For me, the problem came with the introduction of this zero into the numeric system. Zero started being a number. Which is problematic in various areas of mathematics.

Problems raised by zero

In most areas where mathematics is used, zero creates problems. For example, the monetary system; it makes no sense to create a coin that correlates to nothing in value. For monetary systems, the base coin has always been one, because it has a value (one cent, in case of euro). The same applies for other areas of mathematics. It makes sense for the base to be some number other than zero.

A problem that the introduction of zero as a number brings, is that the second number is the number one, the third number is the number two, and so on. This is confusing. All because zero is a number (it is the first number).


Use numeric systems that have the base point of 1. Reformulated the decimal 0-based system to be a decimal 1-based system.