Blog Posts

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Unit, or the Point, is the basic concept of numbers. It is also the basic concept is logic and in various other areas (that I am not remembering right now). In order for some branc...

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GNU logo and a girl with some headphones

Software of Freedom

I will tell you what Free Software is, in simple terms.

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a globe, which is an spherical map of the world

Google is not a Browser

Many people are mixing the meaning of web browser and search engine.

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a question mark drawn of a foggy window glass that has rain particles

Bad Karma

The meaning of karma might not be what you are expecting…

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in a vineyard many bunch of grapes in with many grapes in it


In Wikipedia, on the page about abacus and in the Indian section it says that the second-century CE philosopher Vasumitra said that: placing a wick (Sanskrit vartikā) on the nu...

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An empty metro, of course, with zero passengers

The Zero Problem

Numeric systems have a specific domain. That domain is counting. So we can say that a numeric system, such as the decimal system, serves for counting purpose. We can divide the wo...

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a metal bitcoin coin

Bitcoin Keyboard Layout

For some time, I have been using a custom Portuguese keyboard layout on my Arch Linux machine. In fact, there are two machines. I want to share now, how I have made a new custom k...

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dry land with one leafless tree and dry soil


Some people are being drawn into conflict. When I turn on the news, or pay more close attention to what the intention of most discourses that I listen, conflict is the intention p...

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young adult writing on blackboard


With Enlightment and its notion, came the Knowledge and its culture. Knowledge is the honouring of a grasping mind :wink:

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