The meaning of karma might not be what you are expecting…

Meaning of Karma

A while ago, while I was reading some articles, I found the word karma in an unusual context. This made me look for karma on the dictionary.

Then I found what it really means. It is a Sanskrit word that means action. Not reaction. In the West we use this word as a, somewhat divine, or universal, reaction. This is a wrong usage of the original meaning of karma.

Karma simply means action.

Therefore, the conclusion is that bad karma is bad action. Once again, not bad reaction.

Why say “bad action”

So, why do Indians say “Bad action” (bad karma)?

I believe that this comes from not calling people “bad”. Someone’s action may be bad, but this does not make the person bad.

There is a clear distinction between a person’s action and the quality of a person.

This benevolent way of talking and dealing with people, makes room for people not being afraid of making mistakes, and room for people to grow. You may make mistakes (bad actions/bad karma) but you can always come to the realization that this actions may be wrong; and grow.

So, next time you see someone doing something wrong, say that that action is bad. Don’t judge that same person as bad.